VAN DYCK - BOX. Van Dyck 1599-1641. The light of Nature. Anthony Van Dyck as a Printmaker. In dialogue with Van Dyck. Birthday-Calendar. Limited edition and only available during VAN DYCK 1999 in Antwerp.

BROWN Christopher, VLIEGHE Hans, e.a.
VAN DYCK - BOX. Van Dyck 1599-1641. The light of Nature. Anthony Van Dyck as a Printmaker. In dialogue with Van Dyck. Birthday-Calendar. Limited edition and only available during VAN DYCK 1999 in Antwerp.
Box containing 4 books, in-8, 360 + 192 + 400 + 56 pp., illustrations, bibliographical notes, bibliography, index.

BROWN Christopher, VLIEGHE Hans, e.a.@ wikipedia
€ 75.0